The phases of ethical hacking, numerous attack routes, and protective responses are thoroughly explained by the tutor. You will learn how hostile hackers think and act, which will put you in a better position to build your security system and defend against assaults in the future. Recognizing system security controls will help you reduce the likelihood of an incident.
In order to give you the chance to work toward demonstrating the necessary knowledge and abilities needed to do the job of an ethical hacker, the course is developed to combine a hands-on environment and systematic procedure throughout every ethical hacking subject and methodology. You will encounter a completely different attitude about the duties and safety precautions needed.
Module includes:
- Introduction to Ethical Hacking - Key issues include plaguing the information security world, ethical hacking, and information security controls.
- Footprinting and Reconnaissance - Perform footprinting and reconnaissance using the latest footprinting techniques and tools as a critical pre-attack phase required in ethical hacking.
- Scanning Networks - Network scanning techniques and scanning countermeasures.
- Enumeration - Enumeration techniques and enumeration countermeasures.
- Vulnerability Analysis - Vulnerability analysis to identify security loopholes in the target organization's network, communication infrastructure, and end systems.
- Penetration Testing - Penetration testing, security audit, vulnerability assessment, and penetration testing roadmap.
- System Hacking - System hacking methodology, steganography, steganalysis attacks, and covering tracks to discover system and network vulnerabilities,
- Malware Threats - Different types of malware (Trojan, Viruses, Worms, etc.), system auditing for malware attacks, malware analysis, and countermeasures.
- Sniffing - Packet Sniffing techniques to discover network vulnerabilities and countermeasures to defined sniffing.
- Social Engineering - Social engineering techniques and how to identify theft attacks to audit human-level vulnerabilities and suggest social engineering countermeasures.
- Denial-of-Service - DoS/DDoS attack techniques and tools to audit a target and DoS/DDoS countermeasures.
- Session Hijacking - Session hijacking techniques to discover network-level session management, authentication/authorization, cryptographic weakness, and countermeasures.
- Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots - Firewall, IDS, and honeypots evasion technique, evasion tools, and techniques to audit a network perimeter for weaknesses, and countermeasures.
- Hacking Web Servers - Web server attacks and a comprehensive attack methodology to audit vulnerabilities in web server infrastructure, and countermeasures.
- Hacking Web Applications - Web application attacks and comprehensive web application hacking methodology to audit vulnerabilities in web applications, and countermeasures.
- SQL Injection - SQL injection attack techniques, injection detection tools to detect SQL injection attempts, and countermeasures.
- Hacking Wireless Networks - Wireless encryption, wireless hacking methodology, wireless hacking tools, and Wi-Fi security tools.
- Hacking Mobile Platforms - Mobile platform attack vector, android vulnerability exploitations, and mobile security guidelines and tools.
- IoT and OT Hacking - Threat to IoT and OT platforms and learn how to defend IoT and OT devices securely.
- Cloud Computing - Cloud computing (container technology, serverless computing), various threats/attacks, and security techniques and tools.
- Cryptography - Cryptograhy ciphers, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), cryptography attacks, and cryptanalysis tools.